The AST Edit

Word Of Mouth Marketing

Written by Advanced Skin Technology | 22/09/2021 11:00:00 PM
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Harness the power of word of mouth marketing and re purpose it into powerful content for your business with the use of Instagram.

Can you think about the last time you experienced something that you just had to tell your friends or family about, maybe even post on your social media to share it?

This is the essence of word-of-mouth marketing – which we experience and partake in every day. It’s a free form of advertising (in most cases), which utilises genuine feedback from your customers to help spread the word about your business and its offerings.

How can you harness the power of word of mouth?

Sharing real client testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to build credibility and trust with future clients and are the perfect way to share examples of how your clinic's services and products can work for them. You can start collecting these testimonials by asking your current clients to fill in small feedback sheets or looking out for social media posts you are tagged in from past clients sharing their results.*
*Always ask for permission before re-posting or re-sharing a client’s testimonial.


Before and after’s

A picture is worth a thousand words. Before and After’s speak for themselves – but here are our top tips to really make them stand out, and not only get people talking but make them your very next client! Make sure your images are clear and taken in natural light. Take the photos from the same angles every time – this allows for consistency and easy comparison for viewers. Listing the treatments, products, and time frame as this helps give future clients realistic views of their potential results.


Create a connection

Easier said than done – creating a connection online can be tough, but transparency and authenticity are key. Show more of yourself and the staff behind the brand to encourage a two-way communication with both current and future clients. Share with your audience what your favourite treatments or products are, and then ask them the question in return. Be sure to fully engage, and reply to comments, as this is part of the communication process. You might also find some great feedback to use.


User Generated Content

This is the new age version of word of mouth, AND can double as a win if you want to re-use the content your clients are making.* Even just having clients post their own photos and testimonials on social media – not only works as the new age word of mouth to their friends and family… it now has the capability to reach an even larger audience of ‘friends of friends’ and acquaintances… bigger reach = bigger results.
*Always ask for permission before re-posting or re-sharing a client’s testimonial.


How to actually Get Word Of Mouth Results?

What is the best way to get people talking... sharing their experience, their results, and your brand with their friends?

  • Create a unique point of difference: do something that makes you stand out from competitors
  • Treat every client like a VIP: they are! Every client that walks through your door – or talks to someone in your brand, has the ability to share their experience with so many people.
  • Set clients up for realistic results: being realistic with your clients, and explaining time frames is vital – this also helps with the next point…
  • No surprises: explain everything that may be involved, including planting the seed for future treatments, and products, so your clients feel like they understand the journey.


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