The AST Edit

Women In Leadership - AST

Written by Advanced Skin Technology | 08/03/2022 2:11:00 AM

International Women’s Day gives us an opportunity to spotlight some amazing women in our lives. Here at Advanced Skin Technology, we have asked some of our inspiring leaders here about their journeys into leadership, and the challenges they have faced along the way.


What would you tell young women who are just starting their careers?

Having three daughters, two of that are working mothers themselves, and another 25. Be true to yourself and be the best version of yourself that you can be. This will allow you to do the best job you can do, in every situation. It is always important to have a go! And embrace the opportunities that come your way, especially those that will take you out of your comfort zone. Lastly, network with others and find a mentor – this will support you to keep learning, both the good and the bad.
Response By Kelly Micalizzi, AST Regional Manager QLD & WA


Have you drawn professional inspiration from other women?
Tell us about someone who has inspired you.

During my 6 years at AST, I have been very lucky to be constantly surrounded by women I can look up to. Women who have climbed the ranks, women who have been integral parts of AST’s growth and success as well as women who juggle their professional and personal lives. As a woman who has 2 young children, as well as a burning passion to excel in my career, I have had a longstanding inspiration for my old boss I had prior to coming to AST, Alison Goodger. Alison is the co-developer of 2 international skincare brands, has 3 children, has battled and survived cancer, and is one of the best people I have ever met. Her ability to make our work so enjoyable, have a laugh, workshop ideas, create incredible commercial outcomes for her business is so impressive. But something that always stood out to me about Alison is the incredible respect all of her staff had for her, and she had for us. I have always remembered how Alison treated me as her employee and I can only hope that my team looks to me with as much respect, admiration, and fondness that I did, and still do to Alison.

Being a woman in leadership to me means paving a pathway for not just ourselves, but for our generations of women to come. I have chosen to be a working mum, and it is important to me for both my children, but especially my daughter, to see that their Mum was still able to achieve her professional goals and have an incredible career, even after becoming their mum. I hope my career in leadership inspires my daughter, I hope it gives my son respect for women both personally and professionally and I hope it also inspires women around me to take a chance to step up and be someone that people look up to. That to me is worth everything.
Response By Brooke Child, AST Regional Sales Manager VIC, TAS & SA


No female CEOs were appointed to ASX 200 companies in 2021 in a torrid year for gender diversity at the pinnacle of corporate Australia – what needs to change at the top level of Australian business to ensure more opportunities for women leaders? [Reference; AFR, 2021]

2020/21 was a challenging time for women in business balancing up homeschooling, family, and business needs. Women have multi-faceted experience and bring a wealth of knowledge to a role. Often humble and slow to put our hand up for the next opportunity. Skilled business owners and managers look for diversity and encourage the humble to be confident and believe anything is possible this happens at junior management and mid-level so that our future leaders are empowered to take on the more senior roles.

Workplace flexibility and embracing the value of different styles are vital for stronger pathways in the future. We need men to be men and women to be women both should be valued and promoted for their skills and ability to meet the needs of the business. I am not a believer in quotas as this can be tokenistic and not based on true value.
Response By Heather Harrison, AST Managing Director


How do you balance career, personal life, and passions?
Is there such a thing as balance?

I do believe balance exists, but I am realistic in knowing that you might not have a perfect balance all the time. As a working mum of 2 young children in a world with Covid, it can be challenging. I have found the best way for me to have a chance at balance is if I am organised and structured yet flexible.

This means setting clear goals for work, whilst also knowing what my obligations are for my family. Not to mention making some time for myself at the end of the day, even if it is just watching my favourite Netflix show. My passion is my family so spending time with them after work and on weekends fills my cup. The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.
Response By Nicolette Roberts, AST Account Manager NZ


What strategies can work well to promote inclusion in the workplace?

It is important that we ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, opinions are considered, and all ideas are welcomed. We need to provide staff with a safe space to be able to voice their concerns and value differences. Create an environment where people can feel comfortable and be themselves at work. Keep open communication, regular meetings and updates and be accountable to the team on what has been promised.
Response By Mandy Leary, AST Operations Manager



Women are, on average earning 22.8% less than their equivalent opposite sex.
What do businesses need to be doing right now to address this?
What does AST do? [Reference; WGEA, 2022]

When reviewing the average earnings of women and men in comparable senior positions one can question whether gender equality has extended to senior leadership positions. It would be easy to become overly concerned by this criterion, as a measure of the value and significant contribution of female leaders to a business. In contrast, as we celebrate International Women’s day, businesses need to reflect and remunerate female leaders in a manner that reflects the diversity of skills and responsibilities. In relation to the arbitrary remuneration of males versus female leaders, I believe this should always be based on competencies and performance, not gender. The role of a female leader is diverse and complex often involving multiple families and work responsibilities.

Accordingly, businesses need to respond to the growing personal and professional responsibilities and contributions of female leaders. Advanced Skin Technology is built on diversity, collaboration, and respect for employees' professional and personal responsibilities. While it is easy to call out female employees’ flexible entitlements, we extend this same approach irrespective of gender. Such is the culture of Advanced Skin Technology, where we empower our team and listen, really listen to their needs. On this International Women’s Day, I implore all businesses to seek to understand their employee's needs. At AST we determine a bespoke remuneration and support package that truly embraces diversity irrespective of gender. Communicate, connect and engage with your employees through tailored remuneration packages that reward skills, and performance.
Response By Rochelle Akhavan, AST Head Of Sales & Education


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